InitLive Doubles the Number of Events Supported

The Quarter was also a busy one for InitLive, makers of SaaS for event and volunteer management. The company helped clients run 94 events over the period, which was twice the number of events supported by the team in any previous Quarter. It is perhaps not a surprise however, as the company continues to grow its client base and the summer months (in the Northern Hemisphere in this case) are typically the most active for festival and sporting events.

It is noteworthy, however, that the types of events also expanded, in line with the company strategy. Organizers of film, balloon, heritage, music and even beer festivals subscribed and took advantage of the software. A large number of meeting conferences took place, along with several university events. Other activities included a range of fundraising runs and charity events, as well as warrior dashes, soccer games, triathlons, pride parades, reunions and convocations. Clients were based in Canada, the US and the UK, and even though it was not summer there, in Australia as well.

The shift by the company to focus more on enterprise-type customers helped accelerate the number of events. Features added to the software specifically to meet enterprise needs, such as time-saving bulk scheduling and copy features, are now enabling successful engagements. And an improved registration process in the software is decreasing volunteer onboarding time, speeding client deployment, reducing costs and improving time to revenue for the company.

All told, it continues to be an exciting and growth-oriented time for the team, and the plans call for that to continue as the next phase of enterprise features are being prepared for release.

We will share another update on those developments in the next issue of Q.